HCRF 2024 Annual Benefit

Dear Friends of HCRF,

Please join us in person for our largest fundraising event of the year, the annual Honduran Children’s Rescue Fund Benefit, Friday, September 20th, 2024 at the home of Maryellen and Umberto Fedeli.

For over 20 years, our focus has been the support of the Santa Rosa Lima Clinic and Birthing Center, Reyes Irene Girl’s High School & Nuevo Paraiso Children Homes. Your support is most meaningful and very much appreciated. Please join us for a beautiful, fun filled evening!

Please review the below material, your donations and corporate sponsorships are most meaningful & greatly appreciated.

Also, you can go donate by credit card or PayPal. Any donation will go very far in Honduras!

Thank you for your ongoing advocacy on behalf of the children!

Brian J. Smith

Download the Benefit Invitation & Information Material here »

We Look Forward To Seeing You!

A Honduras Benefit In Support Of

Honduran Children's Rescue Fund

You are cordially invited to attend a Benefit in support of the charitable work of

Sociedad Amigos de los Niños

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Friday, September 20, 2024

6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

At The Home Of

Maryellen & Umberto Fedeli

820 Village Trail

Gates Mills, Ohio 44040

Business Casual Attire

Honorary Chairman

Bishop Roger Gries, O.S.B

Host Committee

    • Leiani Barkan
    • Sheila & Ron Birch
    • Fr. John Blazek, C.S.C.
    • Dr. Jennifer Brainard
    • Ron & Pat Brubaker
    • Chris & John Catanese
    • Rich & Barb Cicerchi
    • Joe & Mary Jo Ciuni
    • Greg & Debbie Consolo
    • Nick & Colleen D’Angelo
    • Daryl & Jenniffer Deckard
    • Fr. Tom Dragga
    • Dr. Tommaso Falcone
    • Umberto & Maryellen Fedeli
    • Dave & Beverly Fischback
    • Dr. Charles Garven
    • John & Alby Glassmeyer
    • Garth & Colleen Grant
    • Sadie Curtin Hackett
    • Daniel Krinsky
    • Chris & Beth Kaczmar
    • Fr. Karl J. Kiser, S.J.
    • Dr. Michael & Michelle Koehler
    • David & Carmen Kkymowski
    • Fr. Lukas Laniauskas, S. J.
    • Dr. Marius Laniauskas
    • Adam & Corey Lesko
    • Dale & Jane Lewis
    • Jack & Lucila Licate
    • Jim & Fran Lissemore
    • Anne Markowski, Esq
    • Carole Marrie
    • Dr. Fritz Montague &
    • Karin Murray
    • Rosemary & James Nemeth
    • Tom & Lori Newcomb
    • Chris & Patty Noble
    • Dr. Michael O’Connor
    • Richard & Cheri Pace
    • Miguel & Ashley Ponce
    • Steven and Eileen Pryatel
    • Tom Ryan
    • Dr. Michael & Kathleen Skerl
    • Brian & Karen Smith
    • David A. Smith
    • Megan Smith, MD
    • Fr. Lorn Snow, S.J
    • Ron & Eleanor Willkomm
    • Amy Zucca

With your support we can continue to provide valuable healthcare and educational opportunities for the children of Honduras!

Individual Tickets & Donations

With your support, we can provide valuable healthcare and educational opportunities for children in Honduras.

All Donations Welcome.

Or purchase tickets ($500 each)

Add to Cart

Mail donations to:

Honduran Children’s Rescue Fund
C/O Gesu Church
2470 Miramar Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44118

Sponsorship Opportunities

Corporate Sponsorships


2 Benefit Tickets and Corporate Logo in Event Program


4 Benefit Tickets, Corporate Logo and Quarter Page Ad in Event Program


8 Benefit Tickets, Corporate Logo and Half Page Ad in Event Program


10 Benefit Tickets, Corporate Logo and Full Page Ad in Event Program

Name Recognition at Santa Rosa de Lima Clinic in Honduras


12 Benefit Tickets, Corporate Logo in Event Program

Full Page Ad in Event Program and Free Trip on an upcoming Medical Brigade Mission Trip to Honduras.

Name Recognition at Santa Rosa de Lima Clinic in Honduras

Free Trip is Assignable